Digital resource platform for archaeozoology

This section contains anatomical plates by species; the skeletal elements are individualised and presented in different views. These vectorised drawings are intended to illustrate your work and scientific publications, provided that you mention their reference. Persons or institutions wishing to use them in a wider context (exhibition, film, event or educational production) are requested to contact us at [email protected]. They can be downloaded in vectorised PDF format and edited with Adobe Illustrator and various CAD software. We try to regularly enrich this section with anatomical plates found in publications or with your own creations. To help us develop this section, do not hesitate to send us your drawings. You can also send us copies or references of publications offering the same type of illustrations, which we could then vectorise and make available to all.



11 photos

Drawings: Marie-Cécile Soulier (CNRS, UMR 5608 TRACES).



6 photos

Drawings: Marie-Cécile Soulier (CNRS, UMR 5608 TRACES).



10 photos

Drawings: Marie-Cécile Soulier (CNRS, UMR 5608 TRACES).



14 photos

Boards anatomy of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) proposed by Jean-Christophe Castel (Geneva Museum), in 2013. According: Castel, Jean-Christophe. (2010). Comportements de subsistance au Solutréen et au Badegoulien d’après les faunes de Combe Saunière (Dordogne) et du Cuzoul de Vers (Lot) (Mémoire de thèse). Université de Bordeaux I. Sarrebrück : Éditions universitaires Européennes. 635 p.


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Administration : Carine Carpentier - [email protected]

Dessins vectoriels : Michel Coutureau - [email protected]