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Drawings in vector format of skeletons in connection intended to illustrate your scientific work and publication provided to mention their references. Individuals or institutions wishing to use them in a broader context (exhibition, movie, event or educational output) are invited to contact us ([email protected]). They can be downloaded in vectorized PDF format, usable with Adobe Illustrator and various DTP software. We try to enrich this section regularly from anatomical drawings found in publications and vectorized by Michel Coutureau and colleagues or, from your own production. To help us develop this section, don’t hesitate to send us also your drawings. You can also send us copies or references of publication offering the same type of illustration that we could vectorize well and make available to all.
Corpus of fish skeletons made by Michel Coutureau (Inrap) with the collaboration of Philippe Béarez (MNHN) and Benoît Clavel (MNHN). See also:
"Split" views of skeletons for easy reading and representation: conservation, human traces (decarnisation, dislocation, skin removal, burns, cut into quarters), no human traces (rodents, carnivores) etc. These drawings can be downloaded in vectorized PDF format, usable with Adobe Illustrator and various DTP software. There are intended to illustrate your scientific work and publication provided to mention their references.
Charles-Olivier Dumont
- Tuesday 12 November 2019 14:42
Bonjour, je désire utiliser certaines planches squelettiques dans le cadre d'une exposition permanente pour un musée d'archéologie. Est-ce que les images sont libre de droits d'utilisations ?
- Thursday 31 October 2019 16:41
Quels sont les critères d’utilisations dans le cadre d'exposition?
Dear Archaeozoo, we are preparing a new exhibition in the National museum Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania and we are planing to show some animal bones in the kitchen section. Would you give us a permission to use pictures of carp, hare, red deer, wild boar, pig and bison?
Rebecca Nicholson
- Wednesday 10 January 2018 17:56
Dear archaeozoo and Michel Coutureau,
I am currently designing a sheet for use at Oxford Archaeology to record articulated and semi-articulated animal remains in the field. Would you give us permission to use your vectorised drawing of a sheep (Ovis) or cow (Bos) for this? I can send you a PDF image of the sheet if helpful.
Musée national de Préhistopir
- Tuesday 6 June 2017 11:53
Bonjour, Nous souhaiterions utiliser les silhouettes de Renne, Renard, Harfang, Lièvre, Lagopède dans nos salles d'exposition permanente afin de présenter l'exploitation des ressources animales au Magdalénien. Merci de nous indiquer les conditions d'utilisation.
Par ailleurs, nous sommes à la recherche de silhouettes de salmonidé et de spermophile. En avez-vous à nous proposer svp?
Bien cordialement
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