Digital resource platform for archaeozoology
Vectorised bones
Vectorised bones
This section contains anatomical plates by species; the skeletal elements are individualised and presented in different views. These vectorised drawings are intended to illustrate your work and scientific publications, provided that you mention their reference. Persons or institutions wishing to use them in a wider context (exhibition, film, event or educational production) are requested to contact us at [email protected]. They can be downloaded in vectorised PDF format and edited with Adobe Illustrator and various CAD software. We try to regularly enrich this section with anatomical plates found in publications or with your own creations. To help us develop this section, do not hesitate to send us your drawings. You can also send us copies or references of publications offering the same type of illustrations, which we could then vectorise and make available to all.
Reference collections
Reference collections
The photographs made available here are in high resolution. Several shots are provided for the same anatomical element with a size scale. These images are intended to be used freely by the community of archaeozoologists to help them in their determination work. To help us develop this virtual reference collection, please provide us with photographs of skeletons and skeletal elements from your own collections. You can also provide us with photographs of teeth, shells, insects, etc.
Vectorised skeletons
Vectorised skeletons
Drawings in vector format of skeletons in connection intended to illustrate your scientific work and publication provided to mention their references. Individuals or institutions wishing to use them in a broader context (exhibition, movie, event or educational output) are invited to contact us ([email protected]). They can be downloaded in vectorized PDF format, usable with Adobe Illustrator and various DTP software. We try to enrich this section regularly from anatomical drawings found in publications and vectorized by Michel Coutureau and colleagues or, from your own production. To help us develop this section, don’t hesitate to send us also your drawings. You can also send us copies or references of publication offering the same type of illustration that we could vectorize well and make available to all.
This section contains silhouettes of human skeletons (graves) and animals. These vectorised drawings are intended to illustrate your work and scientific publications, provided that you mention their reference. They can be downloaded in vectorised PDF format and edited with Adobe Illustrator and various CAD software. To help us develop this section, do not hesitate to send us your drawings.
baculum coccygeal sternum Accipitridae Accipitriformes acetabulum Alcidae Alytidae Amphibia Anatidae Anseriformes anthropology Atelidae atlas Aves axis Balaenopteridae Balistidae basisphenoid Berycidae Bovidae Bramidae calcaneus Camelidae Canidae canine capitate capitato-trapezoid Caprinae Carangidae Carangiformes Carnivora carpus Castor fiber Castoridae Cercopithecidae cervical cervical vertebra Cervidae Cervus elaphus Cetacea Cetartiodactyla Charadriiformes Cheloniidae Chiroptera Chondrichthyes Columbidae Columbiformes Corvidae Coryphaenidae coxal Cricetidae cuboid cuneiform Cyprinidae Cypriniformes Delphinidae Dinosauria Diodontidae Diomedeidae Dipodidae Elephantidae Equidae Erinaceidae Falconidae Falconiformes Felidae femur fetus fibula Gadidae Gadiformes Galliformes Giraffidae Gruiformes Haemulidae hamate Hippopotamidae Hominidae horn humerus Hyaenidae hyoid Hystricidae ilium Insectivora juvenile Labridae Lagomorpha Lampridae Laridae Leporidae Lorisidae Lotidae lumbar lumbar vertebra lunate Lutjanidae Luvaridae Macropodidae malleolar bone mandible Marine mammals Marsupialia metacarpal metacarpus metatarsal metatarsus Molidae Monodontidae Monotremata Mustelidae Natricidae navicular Odobenidae Ornithorhynchidae Osmeridae Osteichthyes Ostraciidae Passeriformes patella pelvis Percidae Perciformes Perissodactyla Peristediidae Phalacrocoracidae phalange Phasianidae Phocidae pisiform Pleuronectidae Pleuronectiformes Pomatomidae preservation Primates Proboscidea Procellariiformes Prolagidae Psettodidae Pteropodidae radius Rajidae Rajiformes Rallidae Ranidae Reptilia Rhinocerotidae rib Rodentia sacrum Salmonidae Salmoniformes Sauropsida scaphoid scapholunar scapula Sciuridae Scolopacidae Scombridae Scombriformes Scophthalmidae Scorpaenidae Sebastidae sépulture sesamoid skull Soleidae Sparidae Squamata sternum Strigidae Strigiformes Struthionidae Struthioniformes Suidae Suliformes talus tarsus Testudines Tetraodontidae Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontinae thoracic tibia Trachichthyidae trapezium trapezoid Trichiuridae triquetral Turdidae Tyrannosauridae ulna Uranoscopidae Urodela Ursidae vertebra Viverridae Xiphiidae Zoarcidae

Administration : Carine Carpentier - [email protected]

Dessins vectoriels : Michel Coutureau - [email protected]